
Money-making brand & website strategies

Infuse your brand with personality: it's time to shine! 🌟

Published 9 months agoΒ β€’Β 2 min read


Hi Reader,


I hope this email finds you in the midst of a creative brainstorm or, at the very least, sipping a delicious cup of tea (or coffee, you do you). β˜•


I've just published an update to one of my most popular blog posts that I think you'll find as exciting as a fresh box of crayons (remember that smell? Ah, nostalgia).

It's all about branding - but not the stuffy, corporate kind.

No, this is about the kind of branding that makes your business pop, sizzle, and stand out in a crowded market.

It's about infusing your brand with personality, and a dash of your lovely charm.

In the post, I dive into why branding is essential for creatives like us (and coaches, because I work with enough of them to ensure they are covered too) and the key pieces I recommend as absolute *must-haves*!


I also share some actionable tips on how to infuse your brand with personality without sacrificing professionalism. (Because how many exclamation points on my email are one too many?... asking for a friend).


Think of it as adding some serious pixie dust to your brand's foundation. ✨


Here's a sneak peek of what you'll find:

  1. The importance of creating a cohesive brand identity.
  2. Four basic things to build your brand: a brand style guide, a logo suite, brand colors, and typography.
  3. The power of infusing everything with your brand story.
  4. The results of a great brand: trust, recognition, emotional connection, and differentiation.


So, are you ready to add some sparkle to your brand?


Your brand is not just about what you do, but why you do it. By sharing your passion and purpose with your audience, you'll inspire them to take action and compel them to turn into loyal customers.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the post! πŸ€“


Cheers to your success,




P.S. If your creative ideas are gathering dust and you need help creating a brand that amplifies your voice and draws in new clients, let's work together. Find out more here.




Whenever you’re ready, here are ways we can work together:​
​Brand + Website β€” Increase your brand & website moneymaking power with a refresh.
​Showit Shops β€” Start earning passive income by integrating a shop with your Showit website.
​Showit Membership β€” A private branded area on your Showit website for your membership.
​Designer Support Day β€” Have a Showit website punch list? Let's tackle it.


Penguin Designing

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Money-making brand & website strategies

Ingrid Urena at Penguin Designing

Showit web design & branding for creatives and coaches. My specialty is creating strategic & user-centric websites for standout brand experiences that fuel brand loyalty and boost revenue. As your expert at building shops & memberships with Showit, I have plenty of tips to share for skyrocketing conversions in my weekly Moneymaking Memos!

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