
Money-making brand & website strategies

Showit web design & branding for creatives and coaches. My specialty is creating strategic & user-centric websites for standout brand experiences that fuel brand loyalty and boost revenue. As your expert at building shops & memberships with Showit, I have plenty of tips to share for skyrocketing conversions in my weekly Moneymaking Memos!

Mood board color exploration
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Unlocking the color magic behind your brand ✨

This email may contain affiliate links, emojis, and nerdiness. FREEBIES | SERVICES | SHOP | EDUCATION | STUDENT LOGIN So, Reader, you know when you're picking a new outfit, and you suddenly realize that the right shade of blue can make all the difference? Or black in my ever so monochromatic closet… 😅 Yeah, that's kind of how I feel about choosing colors for a brand. It's not just about randomly picking pretty colors from a mood board. It's about finding those perfect hues with the right...

This email may contain affiliate links, emojis, and nerdiness. FREEBIES | SERVICES | SHOP | EDUCATION | STUDENT LOGIN "Are digital products really passive?" This is something I often hear from other creative entrepreneurs, Reader. "Aren't digital products a set-and-forget source of income?" The short answer: Not quite. 😅 As a web designer who works with shops every day, I have some insider insights for you. The much longer (and much more helpful) answer? While digital products can indeed...

This email may contain affiliate links, emojis, and nerdiness. FREEBIES | SERVICES | SHOP | EDUCATION | STUDENT LOGIN Hi Reader, I was waiting for my tea to brew and had a thought — when was the last time you took a good, hard look at your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)? You know, that one thing that sets you apart from all the others? It's like your secret sauce. And trust me, eeeeeveryone loves a good sauce. Now, I'm a big fan of real, tangible examples. Why? Because abstracts are, well,...

HOME // SERVICES // SHOP // EDUCATION // LOGIN “Progress isn’t linear” You’ve probably heard it, right Reader? Well… Seems like I needed a reminder and here it is, to remind you too that all you’re doing right now is more than enough. (You should probably also write that down somewhere.) My point? I believe in you and I know growing your business can feel scary, and not gonna lie sometimes kinda lonely. So I just wanted to spread a little cheer and encouragement your way. 💜 Ain’t it rad how...

HOME // SERVICES // SHOP // EDUCATION // LOGIN Hi Reader, Today was a day of planning — aka I got to sit down and map out what holiday changes are coming to some clients’ shops UX. All with the intention of boosting those numbers for what’s left of the year. 💰 Are you also getting that tingling feeling of excitement as we approach Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and the entire holiday season? You're probably brainstorming ways to create fresh offers, or maybe repackaging your existing ones, all...

HOME // SERVICES // SHOP // EDUCATION // LOGIN Hi Reader, We just had a week of being on hurricane “watch”, then “warning” (cuz apparently there are stages, and it escalates). And of course — we had 5 quakes on the heavy rain day. San Diego is getting wild… but aside from my extra soaked patio and a couple of power surges, all good. I had time to organize some things in the office and I found old files, designs, and emails… It got me reflecting on how much things change and how much I’ve...

HOME // SERVICES // SHOP // LOGIN Hi Reader, I hope this email finds you in the midst of a creative brainstorm or, at the very least, sipping a delicious cup of tea (or coffee, you do you). ☕ I've just published an update to one of my most popular blog posts that I think you'll find as exciting as a fresh box of crayons (remember that smell? Ah, nostalgia). It's all about branding - but not the stuffy, corporate kind. No, this is about the kind of branding that makes your business pop,...